Café scientifique - July 2023

Birth, Evolution & Future of French: A Bird’s Eye View

In this talk a bird’s eye view of the history of the French language is presented, with coloured maps and colourful examples, as well as the varied influences on French from many different sources, including the two-way tennis game between French and English words over the centuries. The talk will conclude with current trends which may or may not represent the future of the French language.  

The lecture will be given in English by Pr Steven Schilizzi , Professor in Agricultural & Environmental Economics at the UWA School of Agriculture & Environment, UWA, Crawley, Perth

Steve has many wild ranges of expertise.
After studying classics, sociology and languages, he is now a Professor at School of Agriculture & Environment, UWA, Crawley, Perth.
Languages and their history, and French in particular, remain a passion that he will be sharing with you.

Personal background relevant to this talk
Former student at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (rue d'Ulm), Paris - "Class of 1978, Classics".
Licence de Lettres Classiques, Paris Sorbonne & Ecole des Langues Orientales de Paris (Russian), Maîtrise de Sociologie (Sociology of Education) but ... a PHD. in Economics. .   
Studied at University level Latin, Ancient Greek and Linguistics (historical and social), with additional knowledge gained in Italian, German, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, Swedish, Modern Greek and Mandarin Chinese (Confucius Institute certificate).  


Coffee and cake included in the ticket price

This conference is organised in collaboration with AFRAN and WA Museum Boola Bardip at the Woodside Learning Studios of the WA Museum Boola Bardip.

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